Lark Ellsworth The worst fucking president this country has ever seen

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fuck Libertarians

I've met with and listened to too many of those stupid fucks in the last week

Go fuck yourself with your "personal responsibility trumps government social functions".

Don't fucking sit in your middle class home with your Infiniti in the garage and say that Americans are to blame for the high gas prices because they live in the suburbs and have to drive an hour to work in the city.

Fuck you, you corn smeared asswipes. You want to know why people move out of the city? Usually either a)they can't afford one of the $500,000 high rise condos downtown with the $348 a month HOA fee or b)it's just not a safe place to raise a family.

Fuck you, you mid-range booze sipping cheesedicks. Less government regulations on corporations mean the people get fucked. Human beings have compassion. Corporations have bottom lines.

Why is it that almost every single fucking Libertarian I've met has some cash tied up in stocks or has a comfortable life with some wiggle room and maybe a jet ski on the hitch trailer 'round the side of the house?

Why is it that almost every single fucking Libertarian I've met wants to tell me that they agree with 90% of what I stand for but want 90% of what my republican counter-part wants too?

Why is it that almost every single fucking Libertarian I've met thinks that they can solve every world issue if they could just limit government to a skeleton crew but bitches when their kid can't get an appointment with a counselor at his university?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you, bro.

7:12 PM  
Blogger rogueagent said...

hey fuck you none of that rhetoric is gonna matter when the new world order comes global enslavement, world wide control, no privacy, theyre gonna shit all over our fore fathers, and wipe their ass with the constitution. want to learn something look up the bildeberg group they're the ones gonna be resopnsible.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, i agree. i fucking hate those useless asswipes. FUCK. everypone time i see one of those cuntbags espousing their bullshit i just want to rape their asshole

1:25 PM  
Blogger Hsienkang Chen said...

fuck you

10:36 AM  
Anonymous jonerton15 said...

Really? Do you want the government to wipe your ass for you too? One guy to rip sheet, one to wipe, one to throw away, one to flush, and one to close the toilet. More government equals a bigger beaurocracy which spends money in more useless ways than these so called "wealthy" people, because they have a car and a house. Obama has trumped whatever kind of rich kind spending habit you can think of

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God I absolutely fucking detest libertarians. they are, without a doubt, the biggest scumbags on the planet. they keep boasting about how everyone should be free to do whatever they want... provided they have the money to do it. god what a fucking USELESS philosophy.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...Yeah... why be responsible for your own life and successes when the government can do it for you. You want the government to write you once a week and tell you that you're a good boy and special? I grew up in lower middle class amily and joined the military, mainly because of tradition. Now 6 years later I'm making 160k a year, why? Because I'm responsible! You crybaby bitchy little dems always want something. The thought of working for anything seems to scare the hell out of the lot of you. Tell you what. You finish college, move back in to your mommy and daddy's house, and I'll see you at best buy when I buy my next big screen from you.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh...Yeah... why be responsible for your own life and successes when the government can do it for you. You want the government to write you once a week and tell you that you're a good boy and special? I grew up in lower middle class amily and joined the military, mainly because of tradition. Now 6 years later I'm making 160k a year, why? Because I'm responsible! You crybaby bitchy little dems always want something. The thought of working for anything seems to scare the hell out of the lot of you. Tell you what. You finish college, move back in to your mommy and daddy's house, and I'll see you at best buy when I buy my next big screen from you."

I also have the freedom to work hard and become a proficient marksman. Then when I come and bust a cap in your ass and drag my nuts on your face as you bleed out, I'll tell you, "your on your own, guess you should have worked harder at firearm handling skills and self defense". Fuck you cock sucker. Money and Power have replaced tooth and claw in today's society. Keeping pissing the public off so that tooth and claw will take back money and power (and drag our nuts on your face).

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh...Yeah... why be responsible for your own life and successes when the government can do it for you. You want the government to write you once a week and tell you that you're a good boy and special? I grew up in lower middle class amily and joined the military, mainly because of tradition. Now 6 years later I'm making 160k a year, why? Because I'm responsible! You crybaby bitchy little dems always want something. The thought of working for anything seems to scare the hell out of the lot of you. Tell you what. You finish college, move back in to your mommy and daddy's house, and I'll see you at best buy when I buy my next big screen from you."

So why did you parents have a lower middle class income? They must have just been a bunch of lazy good for nothing fucks according to your logic.

1:03 AM  

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