My thoughts on 9/11
Being all the way across the country when it happened, the immediate impact of the attacks were somewhat lessoned. It hit pretty hard when it finally sank in. My sympathy went out to everyone killed immediately and wanted justice done. I watched Bush's first live speech addressing the attacks and felt like we were one country, united.
As you may know, I'm not a violent person and think war is an absolute last resort and better still, to be undertaken as retaliation and not a first strike. That said, I felt that whichever country or entity that launched, planned or funded the attacks should be punished accordingly. The majority of our country, as well as our world, were united.
Soon after though, the real agenda came to light with the run up to war in
The division in us came from ignorance and a deep seeded desire to conquer. Not conquer another country, but our very own. When I say "the right" the ones I mean are the neo-conservative arm of the Republican party and their followers. Their followers, in my mind, are less culpable in the struggle for this country because of their general stupidity, but that does not excuse them. The right took 9/11 and used it as a wedge to force their point of view as the "American" one. The right chastised anyone voicing an opposing opinion. The right wrapped themselves in the American flag and used it to draw sympathy instead of inspire pride.
I wish it would never have happened. I wish our country could heal from the attacks they suffered on September 11, 2001. Healing starts with closure.
With 9/11 being used as a buzzword, motive and wedge incident by the right, it's never going to be over. That day that we all stared in disbelief and cried for others more than we ever have. As long as the right keeps using it, that day will never be over. A day that has lasted 43824 agonizing hours. A day that by all accounts, doesn't look like it will end for a long time.
When George W. Bush climbed on the graves of 2,602 people, we were united.
Looking back 5 years later, it was a sign of the division to come.
For the right, I have one simple request. Stop using 9/11. Let us heal. Let us have closure.
Let that awful, horrible day end. Please.
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